The Importance of Early Childhood Vaccinations

It’s important and sometimes required to make sure that your child has received the right vaccinations. Without vaccines, your child will be less protected from many serious diseases, some of which could be life-altering and even deadly. You may have some serious questions about vaccines. If so, it’s smart to talk them through with a doctor. If you’d like to explore vaccinations and live in or near Philadelphia, PA, get in touch with Mt. Airy Pediatrics. Dr. Marcie Macolino would be glad to work with you.

Why Vaccinations Are a Must for Most Kids

 Some diseases are very difficult to treat. The most serious diseases can take lives or leave people with life-altering debilitations. Once upon a time, conditions like polio left many children dependent on iron lungs, for example. Vaccines have helped bring many dangerous diseases, like polio, under control. Smallpox, one of the deadliest diseases in history, was pushed into extinction by vaccines.

Viruses in particular are very difficult to treat with conventional medications. Things like antibiotics aren’t effective against viruses. Fortunately, vaccines have proven to be highly effective against many viruses.

Not only do vaccines protect those who are vaccinated, but they can also stop the spread of diseases. Some children are immuno-compromised and cannot get some vaccinations under normal circumstances. If the other children around them are vaccinated, children who are medically ineligible for vaccination are often greatly protected. Should the child contract a serious disease because others aren’t vaccinated, it may cost them their life.

In medicine, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. Preventing people from getting sick should be the go-to course when possible. Fortunately, vaccines can prevent and stop the spread of many diseases. When it comes to ensuring good health, vaccination is one of the best and most proven tools in the doctor’s medical bag.

If you have any questions or concerns about vaccinations and live in the greater Philadelphia, PA, area, get in touch with Mt. Airy Pediatrics. Dr. Macolino can answer questions and help you find more information.

Are Vaccines Safe?

 Many parents have worries when it comes to vaccines. Most vaccines used today have been in use for a very long time. Countless studies and vast quantities of data have shown vaccines to be safe and effective. Further, the vast majority of doctors and other medical experts, and their families, are fully vaccinated.

If you need to schedule vaccinations and live in or near Philadelphia, PA, call 215 247 2996 to reach Mt. Airy Pediatrics. Dr. Macolino can help your kids get up to speed on their vaccinations.


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