Newborn Basics: A Complete Guide for First-Time Parents

Congratulations on the birth of your newborn! New babies are a blessing and a wonder. They’re also a lot of new responsibilities. Babies change everything. You have to figure out new sleep schedules, diet plans, and the personality of a new person. Don’t worry! Mt. Airy Pediatrics, P.C., is here to help you understand everything you need to know about newborn care in Philadelphia, PA.

Newborn Care: Coming Home

 The first thing you will worry about with a new baby is getting them home. Car seats are tricky to load up for a first-time parent. You need to ensure that the seat is completely secure to keep your newborn safe. Follow all manufacturer's instructions, especially installation instructions. The hospital will help you if you need it, so don’t be afraid to ask if you aren’t sure.

Baby’s First Appointments

 Your newborn's first few doctor’s appointments are essential. These appointments are where your newborn will get their first vaccines. They’re where you can ask questions about breastfeeding and diapers if you’ve noticed any issues. Your doctor will also check to see if there are any signs of postpartum depression. Baby’s first appointments are critical for verifying your newborn’s health.

Baby Care 

 There are a few major things parents need to think about when taking care of their first baby. The first thing you need to think of is whether you want to breastfeed, formula feed, or some combination of the two. Breastfeeding offers several health benefits to your newborn, and many experts swear by it. It is also a great bonding experience for mothers and babies. However, not all mothers can breastfeed. It’s physically and psychologically difficult. You also need to think about sleeping arrangements. You may want to co-sleep. Co-sleeping makes it easier to care for your newborn, but it also carries some risks. You need to talk to your pediatrician to make a plan to safely co-sleep.

Philadelphia, PA, Newborn Care

 Your newborn deserves the best care possible. If you’re seeking newborn care in Philadelphia, PA, we want to help you. Visit 6673 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA, 19119-2252 or call (215) 247-2996. Call us today for some guidance on how to care for your little bundle of joy! 


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